6 Awesome Health Benefits of bathtub aromatherapy

By Prosperous Coach Ginou

Imagine after a long and exhausting day of work, where you are worn out physically and mentally, you immerse yourself into a warm and fragrant bathtub.

As the soothing and calming water surrounds your body, your physical and mental exhaustion begins to dissolve on its own.

Welcome to the Health Benefits of bathtub aromatherapy, where relaxation and rejuvenation in the presence of delightful scents play an important role in one’s self-care and love. 

Bathtub aromatherapy is not merely about soaking in the bathtub, rather is a wholesome experience that combines the characteristics of essential oils along with the healing power of warm water.

This wholesome activity paves the way toward personal growth and offers such incredible benefits that one can transform one’s physical, mental, and financial landscape to a whole next level. 

In today’s blog post, we are going to uncover the undiscovered benefits of bathtub aromatherapy. So whether you are looking for mental growth, or physical well-being join us on this journey and find out how this practice will help you unlock your fullest potential towards personal excellence.

How to add essential oil to your bathtub? 

No doubt, adding essential oils to the bathtub can be soothing and relaxing but great care must be taken while adding them at bathtime. Remember, essential oils do not mix with water and they can stay on top of water in the form of patches.

When they come into contact with our skin, they cause irritation due to their potential nature. Hence, it is recommended to use a solubilizer like Polysorbate 20 or Solubol. This way essential oils can easily get infused into water without causing any sort of irritation or rashes. 

Health benefits of bathtub aromatherapy: 

1- Boosts your sleep and mental clarity: 

Sleep is that foundation of your life which if taken in quality standard, boosts one’s personal well-being. Scientific studies have revealed that immersing yourself in warm water helps to lower the level of cortisol (stress hormone).

Moreover, this effect can be enhanced if we add essential oils like lavender, chamomile, or valerian to your bathtub.

These oils not only help one to sleep better but also produce a soothing effect on one’s nervous system. 

If you’re having trouble sleeping, Ginger and Honey tea can be helpful as well.

2- Eases anxiety and elevates mental clarity: 

Bathtub Aromatherapy has the potential to activate our parasympathetic system and put us in a state of relaxation. Aromatherapy is like resetting your mind button where you expel all sorts of anxiety while embracing relaxation and tranquility.

So, to take your relaxation to a whole new level, try adding citrus essential oils like lemon or bergamot to your bathtub. Renowned for their soothing and mood-boosting properties, they are your perfect companion in the battle of anxiety and stress. 

3- Promotes digestion for a healthy body: 

Are you aware that the state of your mind is also linked to your digestive system? Well, bathtub aromatherapy promotes your digestion by putting your body in a restful state.

Essential oils when combined with warm water promote blood circulation and further aid in digestion.

So, if you are experiencing discomfort related to digestive health, then try adding lemon and ginger essential oils to your bathtub. You will get ultimate relief and comfort in terms of your digestive health.

4- Nourishes your skin: 

Skin also adds a layer to your personal development. On one side hot baths are likely to irritate your skin and sometimes cause skin burns. But a warm bath infused with essential oils like lavender, olive, or patchouli acts as a game-changer.

This aromatherapy not only hydrates and heals your worn-out skin, but its antimicrobial property adds an extra layer of safety to your skin. Moreover, Patchouli oil also heals your scars by boosting cell growth. 

5- Declines fluid retention and promotes immune health:

Excess fluid retention and toxins accumulation have a negative impact on our physical and mental health. But bathtub aromatherapy helps a lot. Essential oils like lemon and rosemary work miraculously in reducing bloating and drawing out toxins from the body.

Moreover, these baths also stimulate the immune system by boosting white blood cells. In short, these baths help in fighting off infections and colds if eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil is added to the bathtub. 

6- Promotes sensual well-being: 

Bathtub aromatherapy also plays a significant role in your sensual well-being. The essential oils seep deep into your skin and awaken your tactile sensations. Moreover, the warmth of water when combined with essential oils also heightens your sensual desires. You feel your mood uplifted towards your partner and find yourself more intense and pleasurable than before. 

In the domain of personal development and well-being, bathtub aromatherapy serves as an intimate and versatile tool. Stepping into a warm, scented bathtub goes beyond relaxation; it becomes a means of embracing sensuality, boosting immunity, nourishing your skin, and alleviating your stress and anxiety.

Essential oils like lavender, Roman chamomile, and sweet orange oils act as stress relievers, while rose, sandalwood, jasmine, and frankincense boost your mood.

If you seek muscle relaxation, consider wintergreen, lemongrass, and cypress oils.

Within the comforting embrace of fragrant waters, bathtub aromatherapy unveils its potential to enrich your personal growth, enhance physical development, and boost financial efficiency.

It’s a holistic practice that empowers you to take charge of your well-being in multifaceted ways.

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